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*Watch in HD!*
Been really busy lately, hence the lack of videos. Finally found the time to record another, this time of a not so new but still one of my favourite Switchfoot songs.
Using my Goldtop Gibson Les Paul Classic which was recently modified and upgraded with a Vintage RS Guitarworks Wiring Kit as well as a set of Bareknuckle Mules Pickups which are very much nothing short of delightful. Best PAF style pickups i've ever used.
On the axe fx II I'm running the 'Citrus' amp, which is basically an Orange RV50 model (Rockerverb series) that I'm really liking recently. Also just upgraded to FW 11.03! Pretty simple patch, just have a little bit of delay running that's all. All drive is from the amp model itself.
Color corrected the footage in Final Cut Pro X.
Guitar: Stock Gibson Les Paul Classic Goldtop
Pickups: Bareknuckle Mules
Amp/Effects: Fractal Audio Axe Fx II
Audio Interface: Fractal Audio Axe Fx II
Camera/Audio: Nikon D7000 w Nikkor 35mm F1.8
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jmsmusic1
Tumblr: www.jmsmusic.tumblr.com
Instagram: jmsmusic
*Original song belongs to Switchfoot