Swee Lee's New Website


New member
kudo's to swee lee on their revamped online store.

its more organized now and most of the products are listed there.

but i've juz 1 question,

The prices stated, has it been subjected to gst?

Ibanez's catalogue isnt up yet, but i assume it will be in no time?
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generic,yes, as its not much of a visual splendor.

but i find it better than the previous website.

i believe this is just the beginning and that more has yet to come?

basically, I'd favor functionality over appearance.:mrgreen:
i'm not sure how much effort it takes to maintain an online catalogue, since Swee Lee is first and foremost, a business. admittedly, their previous one was seriously disappointing. pretty much never ever updated.

i'm not sure if it's asking for much, but an update once every week or once a fortnight would be very much appreciated by everyone, i'm sure (:
drum items not up yet though; was pretty disappointed when i found the online store was up but zilch on drums.
i guess they're slowly uploading stuff.

will check back next month to see the updates (if any at all)

im juz a lil puzzled about the prices..is it after gst or before?

any discount applicable?
Prolly doesn't include gst, and discounts wise I'm sure they won't state it there unless it on promotion.

And I gotta agree, their previous site was pretty much dead. No updates no nothing. If the site could show spiderwebs, there'd be aplenty!

But kudos to the new change :D
Looks like they've only decide to take care of the guitar section. The drums/cymbals section is terrible. It would really help to get to see what they have in stock.

Although I must add that emails asking about specific items are always replied promptly. But it's pretty much impossible to ask through email "What do you have in stock?"

Hope they'll get around to it soon.
Same here weck, Im wondering since its been quite a few months already. Perhaps they do the programming on their own. Quite a number misses and errors along the line. This is understandable as hiring an external IT will cost a lot.

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