Swee Lee SALE- what did you buy?

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subversion said:
wasn't necessary actually as the SZ Prestige range has virtually no fans here... 8)

hahahaha you are definitely wrong, bro!
I believe many people like it, but then, not so many people have spare money when the sale come. So cannot afford it, even after discounted price :D
PinkSpId3r said:
lol sub..think your kinnda mix up after trying so many guitars :P
or maybe you tried it with another guy? the 1 we tried was the 2570 hee..wonder who got it..softies? its a very nice guitar yeah :D

oh yeah- i tried it with someone else who bought it prior to the sale- he should have waitied for a better deal but, his flight to Brunei was just that Friday before the sale day. wasted...
man..that was a real waste..he could have save 1k? but he seems rich eh..should have ask me to buy for him..and i will only charge him $100 more den sales price :P

think swee lee are stocking up their gears already? saw alot of boxes at swee lee on wed..wonder what new things will there be :wink:
subversion said:
this is basically from the same range, Marty Friedman uses the SZ320

Marty was using the SZ520QM in the video (the clinic) at the SOFT meeting.
Doesn't matter anyway, they're basically the same except for cosmetics. :wink:
subversion said:
just curious, what did you people get from this sale?

what did i buy? Ibanez SZ2020, one of the most wonderful guitar to have come my way 8)


PS: Kindly keep this thread gear related, thanks...

Contrary to the bookmatch-fanatics, I think the grain on that guitar looks awesome, it gives it a kind of raw and weatherbeaten look, IMO it looks more like stone than grain on wood :lol:

I'm a SZ fan as well, the heel joint at the neck and the top had me converted :D

On a side note, my only spoils from the Swee Lee sale was a Ibanez Tubescreamer TS7. I wanted to get the DE7 as well but they were out of stock, my TS7 was the last set..... Really regretted not going on Saturday, I was also looking for an EQ pedal, but Boss pedals were nearly all gone by Sunday......
hey Thor666 yeah its one of my fave now..but its got stiff competition from my gibson lp and my fender strat..haha.

well it was of no choice since the sale was meant to be like this. i was looking for a 2570..but it was no longer avail..anyways most of the guitars there were handled pretty much. i myself am guilty of handling the ibanez jem 7vsbl and the jackson SL3..hahahaa.. Luckily for me the condition of the 1570 was perfect , no scratches no nothing...at least it feels brand new to me :wink:
it's personal preferance.

when i saw the Gibraltar Custom bridge in the SZ2020, i was realy put off because it doesn't sport a through-body stringing which accentuates sustain. but i was proven VERY wrong of course...

if you are after a sleek look, the Gubraltar Custom will put you off instantly.

nope, the SZ720 isn't available here, thusfar, it's american issue only...
I got the underrated Cort Katana KX-1 for $325 (thanks to Subversion for his advice!)


a wonderful pandan cake pedal for $50


and a guitar stand for $10

It's a shame I couldn't get my hands on barney delay
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