Supermassive black hole effect, recommendations?


New member
Hey ppl, I'm looking for a guitar pedal that can match up to the effect of the song Supermassive Black Hole by Muse, any recommendations? that song rocks =)
zvex fuzz factory. try the vexter version, which is the non-handpainted version of the fuzz factory, which is a lot less expensive.
matthew bellamy uses a zvex fuzz factory, manson guitar, diezel heads, among a truckload of other stuff.

if you want to replicate that tone, get something that sounds like a fuzz factory, manson guitar and diezel head.

dont forget that many studio effects are used to achieve what you hear on their records.
The song uses a fuzz + high again actually for their HAARP and also The Resistance Tour. That doesnt mean u must use a Zvex Fuzz Factory. But for the verses, I change to another effect. Solo, I dont know what u might be using but I just did improvisations. Lol.
Heres a cover of mine to show you how I did. :D