Suicide attempt at Bedok South.


New member
Kind of just got back from Bedok and saw a truckload of CD and police cars... Stopped to see whats the commotion all about (being typical singaporeans) and saw a women dangling on a parapet edge...

kind of a scary sight but yellow inflatable thingamagigy have been placed right below where she was sitting... tho there's a wood ceiling thing obstructing it..

Got dizzy looking up, so left.. Saw CD personnels in the rooftop getting ready to scale down and intercept the girl. And saw a policemen negotiating too.

Thoughts people??
sigh.. the foolishness... did you stay to see what happened in the end?

hmm, talking about typical singaporean, i was walking along orchard a couple of days back and there was a quarreling couple, and there was quite a number of people standing around like there was a free show lol.
Big Deal, people been trying to end their misery ever since the word "suicide" was invented.

She should be born in the middle east.
Big Deal, people been trying to end their misery ever since the word "suicide" was invented.

She should be born in the middle east.

Ya, she'd probably didn't have to trouble all these policemen and civil defence officers if she was born in the middle east cos she'd probably be rolling in all the money of her oil sheikh husband, instead of standing precariously on a HDB black parapet.

Not only will she regret being an embarrassment to her neighbours. She'd probably be charged with attempting suicide too.

"The Evolution of Bungee Jumping - it's now cordless."

Seriously though. Suicides aren't a rarity especially in a 'pressure cooker' society that Singapore has. Just be thankful that Singapore's not at the same high level as Japan in terms of society pressures leading to suicides. Sad to say, we're getting there...
I can imagine in future,when singapore becomes even more of a social pressure cooker,more people will be tempted to end their meaningless existence by trying bungee Jumping as they are probably too gutless to try slow poisonings, drownings, what u call that Japanese thing, and blindfoldedly walking into the expressways like P.I.E
People attempt/commit suicide not only because of "pressures" and "problems".
They also can't find any way to cope; no friends, no way to release their emotions. Generally everyone gets depressed at least once in their lives. How you handle and cope with it is a different matter.