Suhr VS Other Boutique Guitars


New member
In Tone,Feel,Build Quality, Re-sale value!

We Do A Shoot out a year ago with friends who are guitar collectors & Players. James Tyler Guitars is the winner!

James Tyler can't Afford an artist to model his guitars
but the likes Of Michael Landau,Dann Huff,Steve Lukather,Buzz Feitien, Robben Ford,Abraham Laboriel, And Most Nashville & LA Sessionist still use his guitars.
-Steve Lukather says in His website that His Tyler Guitar is The Rascal of them all.
-But Of course Suhr is better than fender.
-John's passion now is making casino tables (more Money i think)
-Huh! Bring back the Pensa Suhr era please!

-But For Less Than 3k you can Have A Suhr Already!
-Mr.Nice Guy (Dennis G77) May give discount some more!Cheers!
-I Hope That All Music Store Owners Has Dennis Friendly Character!
Rey, that's a sweeping statement la...

I've tried a Tyler that sounded pretty mediocre before..I've even played American Stds better than it. I've also tried one that sounded pretty good, something I might consider paying that kinda money for. In general, Tyler makes v good strats, but to say one's the definite winner over the rest...I don't know man.

btw, one day can try your guitars/amps out? when you're not so busy at church la :P
Hmmn! I agree with Yar!
-I Went to hongkong last year & saw this great blues player in one of the bars there by the name of Eugene Pau! I remember His name coz the crowd keep chanting his name the whole night.
-He's using a Tyler Strat,Suhr Strat & fender Tele
His Tyler guitar was fantastic sounding very organic & woody tone then on the second set he used the Suhr but before they finished the first song, he ask the rest to continue to play and he change again to tyler. And I can hear the tonal difference between the two guitars.
-Maybe Yar is Correct The Pensa Suhr Era is better than the new one,I remember in the late 80's or early 90's Mark Knopler is a Pensa Suhr user
-But I rather buy a Suhr than to buy a fender,and not all Fender customshop are good sounding only good looking. :rock:
The argument of this thread seems to be:

All Tylers sounds good
One Tyler sounds better than a Suhr
Hence all Tylers sound better than Suhrs

I'm just wondering, what if Eugene Pao were to take out a Fender and sound better than either of the above?