Suggestions for Buy/Sell

Just thought I'd post a few suggestions for the Buy/Sell section. Some of these we taken from what I see in other forums.

1. Mandate that a price needs to be posted for each for sale ad. It's a bit irritating if someone wants to sell an item but refuses to post a sell price.

2. Allow users to close / delete a thread once all the items are sold. Prevents thread ressurections from months back.

3. Only supporting members can post for sale ads. Supporting membership would be in different levels by donation amount. This amount would help defray the costs of operating the forum.

4. Buy / Sell Feedback rating. To establish good / bad sellers/buyers.

What do you think?

EDIT : Just realised that jbarker mentioned some of my points an earlier thread here
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The Buy/Sell Section act as medium here for Buyer and Seller within Soft to interact with each other. The dealings is strictly between the Buyer and the Seller where Soft holds no single responsibility & accountability at all.

So Buyers & Sellers have to exercise great care in their personal dealing here at our Buy/Sell Section.
It's gonna be tough to impose any form of punishment for errant buyers and seller. My suggestion of a subscription/membership before being allowed to post items for sale would at least limit the buy/sell to serious sellers. A feedback rating would help identify reputable buyers/sellers. These measures would hopefully help make the buying/selling experience better.
soft is a good point of contact for buyers and sellers, but why do we go through such pains to make a system that ensures credibility, which is legally protected, when one already exists?

peace of mind comes at a price, which is convenience.
Ya, get irritated by those too. Don't know how you can sell something without putting a price? Thought it would be an obvious thing.
+1 on the price stating thing, since the buy/sell rules are being reviewed.

seller usually thinks he might be able to sell something for higher than what they want by not stating price, hoping someone will offer a higher price for it.

let me say, that NEVER happens.

so everyone should just state their wanted price and save everyone else the trouble of unnecessary "pm me the price" posts. waste space, waste time

There are a couple of reasons why some traders are not able to state a price:

Maybe the person simply wants to trade his/her item and expect cash involve?

Because he/she cannot decide what's the best value; hence giving other's a chance to decide on the price.

Let's be reasonable guys; it's not like it's a crime for not putting up a price. It's just a matter of preference. If the person wants the item badly enough, the deal will transact if the price has been agreed.

IMHO only, challenge intellectually if you wish.
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trip: having read your post, i realised i'm a bit biased in mine in terms of the reasoning.. heh

But my view still stands on stating the price. If it's for a trade and top up, that's a differnt thing. Hard to state a top up price as it's dependent on the item being offered for the trade.

However, on pure sales items, if seller don't know what price he should sell, go do some research. If not, leaving it "price"-less is as good as a blind auction, i.e. ebay, only that seller is waiting for the highest bidder. And this is a buy/sell, not an auctions site

My main gripe with not stating price is that it's very buyer-unfriendly. And stating price would not be at the seller's disadvantage either. classifieds a bit different from auction, you know how much you want for an item, you put it out and see who wants it for that price, then you sell.
I agree with Iverson. If you are selling a product, shouldn't you know what price you want to sell it at. If you intend just to trade the item, say so in your trade. If you post a For Sale / Want to Sell ad then state a price. It would weed out the people who cannot afford the item and entice those that want to and can afford it.

I really can't stand how some For Sale ads suddenly become auctions because there's suddenly a lot of demand for the product you are selling. For goodness sake, if you want an auction, post it on eBay. It's a Buy/Sell classifieds, not an auction site..
5string man, your idea of subscription/membership is a bit flawed. Talkbass is made up of a lot of working adults, so they got some spare cash to play around with. Whereas the forum here is made up of a lot of students who have too much time at hand(myself included). And students are generally poor. A membership/subscription will deter many of the potential buyers and sellers who just want to offload their cheap, second hand stuff. It may also result in many people having to share one account, which could lead to very messy situations if you think about it.

Otherwise, your suggestions are lovely.