Suggestions for a cheaper way of recording?


New member
What is mixing? what is mastering? where are the good recording studios? do we have to pay for booking? how much is the rates?
dude... use MD with condenser mic.. den record while u guys jamm.. hehehehehehehe!!! or use tape recorder, the ol'sch way.... never use MP3 to record... sucks real bad.. haha... :lol:
new and cheap way to record.. hmmm. lets see...

everyone jam in a small room and use a video camcorder to record everything.. done!
you've got 1 question in the topic and 5 in the post...
i suggest you look around on the past threads that will answer your question.
watch out for a FAQ that I might create soon though =)
ha..ha.. ron, the pain of a audio engineer. client dont know what they want.

Cinonyx, do some basic read up on the internet on your question first. ya, do a search on for "Audio mixing", "Audio mastering".

recording studio rates are $60 - $200 per hour.
oh my goddddd! $60 per hour???

after u record, the mastering they do is included in the hours?
every proccess is a seperate cost.

chester277, cheap right?

usually, we pay $12 per hour for a jamming studio. a recording studio's set up cost is 6 to 10 times more expensive than a jamming studio. equipment, room treatment and recording equipment. somemore need a professional audio engineer.
leave real mastering out of the question unless you are going commercial with the track, or you have alot of money to splurge. There's only one place that can really do real mastering. Thats Lion Studios. For mastering you need years of experience, a $5-6 figure room, and a few pieces of equipment,really really expensive equipment.
That's not true,

there are a few other good mastering engineers and facilities around.

dont use tapes, use a mp3 player/recorder.

get one with a mic input. then get a decent stereo mic. balance your individual's volume as perfect as you can.

record, listen, adjust instrument volume, record again, listen, adjust, record ....

until you get the perfect recording.
Actually I was wanting to have a friend to try out some vocals recording for my music, although I do electronic music and not live band.

I was wondering for those small jam studios ... there's alot going around, would it be good enough with that kind of room? It's going like 12bucks an hour. I have not stepped into such a jam studio before...
DoubleDecker, no need go to a jam studio. just do it at home. unless you stay near the paya lebar airport.

you have a mic + audio interface?