Studio Monitors stand


New member
hi i have a tascam vl-x5 studio monitors and was wondering if there are any adjustable stands for it to put on my desk?...and also where to get them thanks
Hi i am sorry to tell u that there is no speaker stand now for tascam vlx5 prehaps have to come out with those self-make. :)
Go to SLS level 2..when you take the escalator....go up to level 2..striaght..on the see a shop selling Karaoke stuf....BMB..all

There ask the uncle/lady for stands..prob...$150 for the pair... Quite heavy duty to hold Mackie HR 824's

I got it last time....

If not check in shops selling Karaoke Fu Lou Shou complex..
What's the weight of your monitors?

Basically you will find all types of stand in uncle shops selling Karaoke stuff (BMB kinda stuff)

Or if you can give me the weight and size of your monitors, I can give you the solution....PM me...

Or get the CD rack stands from Best Denki or COurts or Harvey Norman....These are about 1.2m tall and sell for around 25 bucks..each...put your monitors on them....
Sorry for late reply. Have u got your stand? Be catious of spending too much $ for the stand. Take note of the paint will it easily get off. :)
either get the auralex MoPads or build stands yourself. its not that difficult and it will save you a bomb. 2 pieces of mdf of plywood. pvc pipe. threaded rod and sand.
Try not to put your speakers on ur table unless it's very very stable which doesn't cause vibration. If not, you will not hear the full spectrum of ur speakers capabilities. I suggest getting a table height sturdy speaker stand and use MOUSEPAD to support your speakers.
Ah, I came to SOFT looking for ideas on where to get monitor stands :D

So any updates on the places you guys get your stands from? $150 is a little too expensive and I'm not particularly fond of DIY =\
i use the auralex moPADs..not sure where to get them locally, but they're alot cheaper and less cumbersome than a stand while doing the same job, if you're not looking to elavate your monitors that is.

i reckon an even cheaper solution would be to go hunt down some foam rubber and cut it to size...
i brought mine recently at hungbros, some samson stands it comes with 2. for only like 90 bucks.

well i using it for a 5 inch monitor if it does suit your needs do go check it up :)
unsane: Yeah, I'm looking to elevate the monitors as the tweeter isn't currently at ear-level. Lets of treble detail is lost because of this, unless I slouch lower ;)

zenguan88: were they telescoping (adjustable height)?
yea there were. but there were enuff tall for me anyway. quite stable too.

hey in fact i went in today and they dont seems to display it anymore, maybe you would like to call them and ask. i do not know their number but you can get them from soft weblinks . :)