strings help


New member
Hi guys,
can any kind souls help me replaced my 1st 3 thinnest strings as there is rust on the strings.i would pay a reasonable amount if necessary.The reason i do not want to go to a shop is because it charge me 10 bucks(for replacing the strings, not the strings) , and it takes a few weeks.I hope any one of you seniors can help.
Thanks alot.:-D
Learn to re-string your own guitar, bro. And, no point just changing last three strings because the others are gonna die soon probably. Change them all, so you'd have all six strings nice and fresh.

You can find some good tutorials. Just google it.
Standard value has Ernie Balls. Rather limited stock though, they deal more with GHS and Cleartone. STANDARD VALUE

I usually go Davis because they have a larger supply of Ernie Balls. Its a 45 minute train ride but I don't mind - gives me a chance to explore Peninsula and check out nice gear haha.
Standard value has Ernie Balls. Rather limited stock though, they deal more with GHS and Cleartone. STANDARD VALUE

I usually go Davis because they have a larger supply of Ernie Balls. Its a 45 minute train ride but I don't mind - gives me a chance to explore Peninsula and check out nice gear haha.

thanks.By the way, i tried to change the strings myself, b4(after looking at several vids). But i failed... any links for me? cuz i do not want to throw my strings away
Videos are not very effective in my opinion. But I'm having second thoughts over DIYing for the first time because I had bad experiences DIYing in the past too. Although now I'm able to do it properly. Heh.

I think for you, best to take to a guitar shop and have them re-string for you. Then watch how they do it, if possible ask for re-stringing tips as well (our local stores are not exactly top-notch in friendliness, so be prepared). I find real-life demonstration more effective than words, videos or pictures. You might also wanna take notes with a notebook.

You can get it all done at Davis, they do re-stringing as well.
I think re-stringing is $10. Not sure if it includes the strings... You can drop Davis an email via their website or call them, too. But calling would be more effective. They take ages to reply to emails.

Tell you what, you do your part and I'll do mine. Get the strings of your choice. If it's gonna be Ernie Ball, you can find lots of those in Peninsula area like Davis, Music Studio or Studio Music (i'm not sure but they're in Peninsula) Guitar 77 etc.. Then you call me at 92747233 and I'll show you how. I'm no pro but I change the strings on my own guitar. If you not sure of which string to get, you can call me too. I'll also tell you what other equipments you need to get for the job...

"Give you a fish and you'll eat for a day, teach you to fish and you'll eat for a lifetime...."

So what-ta-fish you waiting for, go get yer strings cos no guitar waits for no man.. man!


PS. And by the way, I don't charge no single cent. Just bring your axe and a cord....maybe we can jam!

Tell you what, you do your part and I'll do mine. Get the strings of your choice. If it's gonna be Ernie Ball, you can find lots of those in Peninsula area like Davis, Music Studio or Studio Music (i'm not sure but they're in Peninsula) Guitar 77 etc.. Then you call me at 92747233 and I'll show you how. I'm no pro but I change the strings on my own guitar. If you not sure of which string to get, you can call me too. I'll also tell you what other equipments you need to get for the job...

"Give you a fish and you'll eat for a day, teach you to fish and you'll eat for a lifetime...."

So what-ta-fish you waiting for, go get yer strings cos no guitar waits for no man.. man!


PS. And by the way, I don't charge no single cent. Just bring your axe and a cord....maybe we can jam!

thx man. will definately.But i would have to wait till i am free, which is fri
Hey, i remember my first re string. It was hell. snapped so many of them cause i was tuning it too high and binding them wrongly. I guess string changing is thru trail and error. You'll get the hang of it after a few tries and supervision.

causeway point
level 3 or 4 .. ( next to the shop next to Aussino, same level as Crystal Jade )
got a music school / shop
they have limited range of ernie ball strings

Think if you ask the sales there nicely
they MAY help you replace the strings if you bought it from them ......
Symphony music school? The strings there are way over-priced. A pack of Super Slinky 9s at Davis costs $7, but at Symphony its $14, and I have no idea why.
Symphony music school? The strings there are way over-priced. A pack of Super Slinky 9s at Davis costs $7, but at Symphony its $14, and I have no idea why.

Did not know that the pricing was so high there... my bad
That would explain why i bulk buy my strings from Davis : )
its more worth it to change them yourself.since when do we have to wait for weeks to get them changed?its a easy job.use the videos,then think about some logic,and diy.its really easy