string recommendation


New member
HI all,

Im using a peavey bass amp and an Ibanez K5 bass guitar,..
I am thinking og getting a new set of strings,.. but I would like to get the sharp crisp funky sound when I do slapping but also would want to have the solid warm low B sound when playing jazzy tunes,..

any nice strings that can do both?

thanks! :D
DR Hi-beams .. can't go wrong with them ..

but alot of those tones you are requesting for can be done through EQ-ing ... so yeap ...
thanks,.. but i havent changed my bass strings since the first time i bought my bass,.
dunnu the brand of the strings,but its the one that came with my ibanez, purchased in sweelee
Hi bro, maybe can try the blue steel bass strings...but only can find it in davis mucis....and it is quit ex!!! :roll:
i'm going to try DR Lo-riders next time round i change strings .. still trying to find which DR sets are the best for my bass ..
yeah DR Hi-Beams are decent.

Right now i'm trying out Rotosound swing 66, which imo, is pretty good for slapping, but I think it's not the best choice for low and smooth playing cuz the tone is really bright, one might even say brighter than D'addario Prisms. For that you may want to try flat-wounded strings on your low B.

If i'm not wrong the K5 comes stock with elixir nanoweb strings i think.
i have the swing 66 strung on my bass though it sounds pretty flippin awesome compared to my factory strung elixers