Street Arts Festival 2007


New member
Hi All,

:arrow: I am organising a Street Arts Event and am seeking for interested musicians to participate.

It is very much gonna be free for all to watch, so interested parties will have to have lotsa guts to be standing and singing to quite a few handful of people.

There will be a $50-$100 refundable deposit to be collected, to avoid people from chickening-out and ruining my show plan. But basically, it is free for all.
Minimum 1 member,no limit for the max.

Payment: No payment at all from my end, but you will be allowed to "hat" the audience. That is, to ask for donations from the crowd. Very much like what a lot of street musicians are doing, only this time round it is legal.

Dates are from 10th to 18th March. I need to see the response and figure if your sets are happening everyday or just every weekend, knowing that most of you would be schooling or working fulltime.

No restriction on music genre. It is entirely up to you to woo the crowd with your music,costumes,and other appeal. No nudity and obscene words!

You are to provide your own equipment. No stage. You are to perform on the ground.

Please pm me with your interest and following info:
1) Band Name
2) Number of members
3) Music Genre (Just for my ref)
4) Dates and time you CANNOT make it for the show slots

Write to me very very soon.

Cheers all! :idea:
cool! ....

will definitely ask my band ....

btw, No equipment means nothing at all?
or there's just no instrument and there will be an amp?

must we do all days?? 10th-18th .....
nick: Depending on the store/person u renting from...

But before we even carry on such talks, did the organizer obtain permit to do such a street art festival or not? Even street baskers have the certificate/license obtained in order for them to perform islandwide on the streets.

Since the organizer is not providing the equipments e.g. amps/drumsets etc. so i conclude that he is coming frm the perception of an acoustic street performance. On top of that, no stage, just on the ground. In these sentences, u could infer that there is absolutely no cost involved (he is not paying performances), he is not renting a space (if so, why is there no stage or even platform set up?) & he dun need to pay for the equipments since there aren't any equipments to begin with.

Maybe the organizer can fill us in more since the description about the festival is quite vague in ur initial post.
thanks neuro182, i think everyone would like to know that. Sounds a bit dodgy. Any corporate backing or is this private? What's this in aid of? Or is it just a spontaneously organised street festival?
Not dodgy at all, but....

Hey neuro,

Thanks for the pointers. Maybe I am being a little enthusiastic about it for asking you guys now.

I am an events organiser myself and am always on the lookout for any chance to hear more local bands. Thus, I came out with this street busking musicians concept for an event of mine.

Perhaps I will come back later when I have more info for you guys. Keep this topic open.

As for the rest of you who pm-ed me, I have your msgs and will be getting in touch with you guys first-hand when I am ready to speak to you guys.

Maybe the way of conducting the event will be different 'cos we are still at the very initial stage of planning, but basically the way for you guys to perform will be the same - No stage, no sound support, plain acoustic and if you have amps for your m.i. you can bring. Power sockets will be available.

No stage and tentage 'cos the event doesn't need one.

Whatever it is, I will be back later with more info on the venue and timing and dates when everything is more concrete.

Cheers mate!

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