Straits Times RockShow


The line ups are great man.. this be something to look forward to.

Kudos to the Straits Times STOMP guys for organising this.. still confused who exactly's behind the team..

lilrampage - Dude you'll be going I presume? :D
haha yea im definitely going for plainsunset/auburn'sepiphany and myprecious/summer'sover, not sure about the rest. go take pictures and ill see you there!

i regret to imform you that auburn's epiphany has pullde out from the show. due to some unforeseen circumstances.

false alarm.

AE will be playing an acoustic set.

Yes, I think I'm quite confused at this point. Of course, I'm all for AE still being on for tomorrow lah.

Also, you guys know about Electrico playing at the same time tomorrow @ 8pm @ Bar None right?

( )

Dilemma siah..
eh ya hor..i forgot all abt the Electrico gig. :p

Aiya..but I may have to work! If I can go den I'll be at library 1st den maybe head on to bar none. Hehe.
dammit i missed auburn's epiphany. but plainsunset was awesome. their new songs 'greatest days' and 'interference' were good. cant wait for the new cd.
Yet another SOLID set by plainsunset man.. those guys are such seasoned players that unless an amp catches fire they'll be rocking out hard. eg, nizam coming down to play right after his work.

Like lilrampage I'm feeling a lil sore at missing Auburn's set. And yeah man, excellent to see you too Tieren..

Hang in there for your daytime job Lurgee.. When you can I'll be waiting for the photos you took during the gig.

Great night! :twisted: