Stingray users: Neck warp issues?


New member
Recently during the rainy season my warwick neck did a pretzel act and i had to release all tension from the strings and release the truss rod, hoping that the neck will reset.

I know that stingray necks are oil finished too. Does maple resist more moisture than ovangkol? Is it because they are more tightly grained?
warwick uses sum other kind of wood other than the conventional ones(maple etc), tends to warp easier in our type of climate...oso faced this sort of problems initially..

so i feel ya...
yea man, so i guess maple is more stable in our climate.. which means it's alright if i sanded down my jbass neck. heh heh. i love the raw feel too much..
Neck Wrap

I have both a Warwick Thumb 4 BO with wenge neck (3-piece, i think) and a Musicman Stingray (maple neck). The Thumb is a 1993 vintage and the MM is a 2000 production.

Both have served me well for the past years/decade without much issue. No neck problem for both ..... and I am using both regularly.....

Guess I am lucky.....