Still selling 16" Zildjian K Light Hats and Paiste 22" Heavy Duty Cymbal Bag


New member
Still selling 16" Zildjian K Light Hats and Paiste 22" Heavy Duty Cymbal Bag

Looking to sell the above two. Still in excellent condition, under-used and untouched for awhile.
Hi-hats - 400 (SMS me if you can offer something in that region)
Cymbal bag - 80
Image of the cymbal bag:,r:2,s:0&tx=85&ty=58

The front houses up to 16" cymbals, so if you get the hi-hats it will fit nicely.
Comes with backstraps behind if you want carry it backpack style.

SMS to 81003255, DONT PM me here as I don't check back often.