still homeless : b-quartet at Home Club : 28th May 2010


New member

if i told you that the next b-quartet show at Home Club will feature 6 raccoons playing on marimbas in the drying rain and a makeshift coconut drum, i might be lying to you and you might think me a nutbutt.

if i told you that the next hour show b-quartet will be performing consists of boutique songs from Milli Vanilli, Stryper and Steven Seagal, you'd think me a crapcrammed looney.

and so... ...i won't say those things. in fact, i won't stand for this, and neither should you because we've all got a reputation to think of.

and plus, it is highly obnoxious and stupid to play pranks on raccoons. we all know that.
tell your friends.

better days ahead.