Sticky neck


New member
I got myself a Fender Classic 50s Strat which has maple neck finished in glossy urethane.
I find the necky extremely sticky compared to other strats like the American Standard.
Is there anyway of improving the smoothness by polish, cleaner etc. Tried rubbing it with
a polishing cloth but it doesn't seem to improve. Please help. Thks.
If you are going to sell it any time soon, I don't think you should do any "irreversible" mods no your guitar because the value would be affected. However if it's going to be your main workhorse, you might want to send it to a shop to do it since it saves time and also less chances of screwing up :) . We are only human so be prepared!
Thanks for all the imput. However I don't think I want to sand the neck down as it would adversely affect its value when I need to sell it later.

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