Ok, so looks like one of your goals may be "I want to know how to improvise".
Learning an E minor scale is a good start. Some things you can do around Em:
Learn Em chord in open position and bar at 7th
Learn Em pentatonic in 0th (open position) and same shape at 12th
Play up the scale all notes in order from lowest to highest
Play notes from the scale with a metronome, 1 note per beat
Play notes from the scale with a metronome, 2 notes per beat
Play notes from the scale with a metronome, 3 notes per beat
Play notes from the scale with a metronome, 4note per beat
play down again, descending.
play ascending groups of 3 or 4 notes at a time
play descending group
play different random combinations of notes from Em
play different combinations using hammer-ons and pull offs
play notes in the scale on non-adjacent strings (string skip)
play notes in the scale and work out which of those belong to the Em chord
play notes from the scale, long, then short, then maybe a couple of the same one, then something different
play lines from the scale, mixing the notes up as much as possible
try to 'hear' what the notes are going to be as I play my lines
play lines from, mixing up the notes and landing on notes of the Em chord
bingo - you are improvising. Do things in small steps.