Starting up a cafe( Sound system and musical equipments contacts)


New member
Hi all,

Im looking at start a cafe with open mic concert.
Will like to know if anyone know the rough cost of it and if anyone have any contacts to get good reasonable price for all these?

Do PM me or email me at

Not sure if im posting at the right place.
Thanks everyone for looking.
Hopefully its with a band.
Maybe with an electronic drum to control the volume as well..
What do u think?
Two Shure SM58s would cost about 115 or more new, or under 100 bucks 2nd hand, so that would be about 230-250

For amps do you prefer solid state or tube? If solid state, maybe go for one of the Marshall Advance Valve Technology 50W, 2nd hand about 300-400. Two of those would add up to 800 max

For a similar price, you could go for the Vox ACTV head with matching cabs, adds up to about 430 at the City Music Sale, Really great sounding amp. Moreove if people wanna bring their own head to plug into the cab, that works too. Adds up to 860 for 2

Bass amp go grap a hartke bass amp at City music sale now! The A70 would be perfect, going for 380

For electronic Drumsets, I suggest you wait till the Yamaha Warehouse sale to get one, MUCH cheaper there. Not sure of the price though, but you would have to plug them into the PA system, which would cost you about 700-1000.
thanks J Custom,

Thats a very useful chuck of information :)
Do you own a jamming studio or anything?
So am i safe to say that 5000 bucks will be enough?
Base on a audience capacity of 100 pax

Sound system (Mixer+Spk) = $2000
Drum set + Cymbals = $1200
Vocal Microphone x 4 = $600
Drum mic x 3 = $300
Guitar Amp x 2 = $800
Bass Amp x 1 = $500
Cables = $500
5K seems super low to me...
Depends if your target is got sound = can
Good sound = venue people will actually want to perform at and others will pay money to come and watch them.

I was having dinner with some family friends the other day at a hotel with a live band of sorts (read keyboard+ 4 vocals). my friend commented that 90% of FnB places with live music get it all wrong.

As the business owner you need to think what is your idea are you looking for some background music/light entertainment for your dinner guests or are you looking to create a place people will come and listen to live music and eat some snacks while they are at it?

If its the first option I would suggest your best bet is to contact a pro audio install company such as Electronics And Engineering or ProAktiv (you can google them for contact info) as them to come down to your place and give you a quote for a suitable distributed system (lots of small loudspeakers distributed around the room with time delay to make it seem like one sound source). The aim here is to ensure sound coverage is even across your room and you aren't losing tables to a loud PA system in front. You should also probably avoid acts with drum kit and big guitar amps as they will blast your customers. At most find a small jazz kit and mic it up. You might also consider a drum shield.

If its the second option then go with a similar approach, but be prepared to spend a lot more money!

Either way a budget of S$5K is very tight IMHO. I spent more like S$40k putting together a simple but decent live band set up a few years back.

Oh one last note, noone really likes electronic drums (especially not drummers) and they are not cheap so dont bother. you are better off spending the money on a drum shield (try contacting Nigel at Drums Resources for that)

Spend more up front to do a good job is much better than try to scrimp and save at the start do a lousy job and then you have to spend loads more trying to fix it and by the time you do noone takes you seriously anymore because it sucked the first time round

Hope this helps
thanks for the input guys

Im actually looking at about 40 seaters. so its relatively small unlike timbre substation or wala wala.
Not really looking at big stack amp as wel..
Drum shield i think is a good option, have never thought of that.
How effective is it on blocking sound?
Quite effective, if you've been for musicals or similar shows with drums they'd usually have one. But it wont be cheap
How about a cheapskate's alternative, acoustic guitar + trash can for drums. Hey, at least ppl will think you are being original. Nah, i just playing around. But seriously, go for the bells and whistles if you wanna be " heard " , figuratively too.
haha ashes 307 for a while i tot you are serious..
I guess an actual drum set will be more ideal :)
Thanks for all the help guys.
If you have any good contact to get sound system set up please intro hehe
Electronics And Engineering (60 Years of pro audio installation is a pretty credible resume) (new kids on the block, but have a good, dedicated team and are carrying some great equipment!)

I have worked with both of these companies before and believe they will offer good services and equipment + they wont try to rip you off and have good standard of workmanship.

I suggest you follow the links and give them both a call.

But word to the wise, it pays to know what you are actually paying for + what you actually want/need. Based on the little you have written here I'm not too sure that you do. Do you have an experienced sound engineer in your team? If yes, then get him (or her) to draw up some specs. If not then you need to think about who is going to run your system once it is installed and buy something appropriately simple.
You also really need to work out the budget you are working to, and have you concept for the place really firmed up in terms of what kind of live music you are looking at? is it a performance venue with food or a makan joint with music (big difference here)?

Good luck to ya!
if you're looking for a smaller scale set up with a budget of between $5k to $10k, you can try contacting luther from luther music at

no harm asking around, and getting quotes from multiple sources and then evaluating what's best for you with your given budget.

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