STARS Live in Singapore Jan 09

From the Facebook Group page -

Greenhorn Productions is pleased to announce that we will present STARS Live! at the Esplanade Concert Hall on 7 January 2009!

Stars is a critically acclaimed Juno Award-nominated Canadian indie band. The band's breakthrough single was "Ageless Beauty", from their 2004 album Set Yourself on Fire. Millan, Cranley and Campbell are also members of the indie band Broken Social Scene, with whom they currently share a record label, Arts & Crafts. Campbell is also an actor and has appeared on the television shows Sex and the City and Law & Order.

In Our Bedroom After the War, the name of Stars’ fourth, newest full-length album, is mysterious, grand, and multi-faceted.

Set Yourself on Fire, Stars’ previous studio album, provided the Montreal-spawned quintet with their international breakthrough, five years after the band was first hatched by the duo of Campbell and keyboardist Chris Seligman while they were living near-penniless in New York City. Now gold certified in Canada, Fire proved so enduringly popular in so many parts of the world that the band left on tour following its 2004 release and barely stopped for the next two years. Suddenly, this most sophisticated of pop groups was required to adapt to the life of something its members never expected to become: road warriors.

Don't miss this chance to experience STARS Live! in their first ever performance in South-East-Asia. This promises to be an amazing night at the Esplanade Concert Hall. Don't miss it!

Ticket prices (excluding Sistic charges) are $68,$88,$108, $128 and $148. Fans of Greenhorn Productions Facebook page will receive passwords entitling them to a 10% discount. Fans of Greenhorn Productions Facebook page will also receive a password entitling them to priority booking one day prior to public sales launch. Detailed ticketing information will be available by 7 November 2008.
hahah i got mine ^^
they offered me row H --
i tried again.
row c
i tried again.
row b
x10 times
finally ROW A!!!
luck i suppose!
whats priority priority booked?
i got mine yesterday : so that counts as priority right.
so you had like priority over that?
which means someone gave up their row A seat i think.
haha wow super lucky.
yeah i ordered mine when the news came out haha