Starry Nite XIII at SMU - BRITISH INVASION is looking for a guest band


New member
Starry Nite in SMU (Singapore Management University) is the highlight of the semester for most of us students. It is an SMU event, for SMU students, by SMU students.

Housing up to 1000+ unique individuals, and a constant crowd which wavers between 700-800, it is a mid sized event, with a reasonable lights and sound set up. Did I mention the ecstatic atmosphere?

We're looking for a band which does a mixture of originals which have been brit rock/pop inspired and brit rock/pop covers for the upcoming Starry, such that it is aligned with our theme "British Invasion". The nature of the songs need not be that of those that occured during the actually British Invasion, but if the layman can draw out some brit influences from your music, even if it is that of modern bands, its cool too. This of course, is subject to well... subjectivity. We'll see how things go.

As the event is still in its planning stages (Starry Nite XIII is to take place on April Fool's... yes, we did think of pulling something stupid, and we still might =)) we're still pretty flexible and if you feel you may be a band which could interest us, do pop me a mail at anyway. Best if you have recordings or some kind of gig we could go to listen to you at.

Do note that all our guest bands thus far have been at the 'pro' level, the last being John Chee's The Blues Machine, to fit our Hippie theme.

More updates in abit, together with photos and videos of Starry Nite XII!!

*Organizer of G.R.I.N. and then some
-I too believe that bands need not pay to play.
Hi, My band is looking out for gigs to play, but we are of a punk rock genre. We cover songs from The Clash & The Sex Pistols. They are british old school punk bands. Is that allowed?