Spurs fans

Basically, the arse lucked out with Wenger and that he got success very quickly. If not, he would have prob been sacked and the arse would never have been as successful as they were.... in the meantime Spurs have been mismanaging their resources to underachieve on a regular basis...i mean this whole defoe fiasco...sheesh
Yea their the only club that seems to like buying overrated players at ridiculous prices, hence creating a squad full of deadweight, like wat i said earlier. There are really talented ppl in there like Huddlestone and King but the rest are like sh!t.
woooo tony parker!! tim duncan!! ginobili!!

wrong sport eh?


haha.....if basketball, im just an avid follower of Ray Allen....has loads of his collectibles!:).....The San Antonio Spurs are picking up steam at the moment after a slow start.

Yeah, Supporting Tottenham Hotspurs!:)
Now...........too bad Spurs only got ppl like Bentley who thinks he's Ginola. First name? Check. 2nd name? Oops not there. Skill level? Nah not there either. Is it me, or do many ppl think that Spurs gotta lotta deadweight in the squad that deserve to be sold off? No offence ya?

Actually an ardent Spurs fan/supporter you will know that something is not right in the club. Im sure there are many things that go behind the scene that are responsible for the team to be inconsistent. But no matter how they have performed under par for many years, i will still continue to support them without any embarrassment minus the politics....
And then last season they thrashed Gunners 5-1 in League Cup..............what goes around comes around. Haha.

Bro, i think think this will never end....in anything, we have the good life and the bad life......For me, i rather look at what Spurs are doing. If they keep improving, it is good enough for me. To be good, Spurs must demolished their inner evil!
Spurs fan since 1973


Wow!!! That was when LEEDS rule yeah(just when Spurs are going downhill)?!! Longsuffering but thats the beauty of it.....I can consider you a truly true blue supporter. Many a times, people will jump ship!! haha
Yea their the only club that seems to like buying overrated players at ridiculous prices, hence creating a squad full of deadweight, like wat i said earlier. There are really talented ppl in there like Huddlestone and King but the rest are like sh!t.

I do not agree with you on this....Spurs bought a lot of players on the cheap actually...Recent year, Keane, Defoe, Berbatov, Lennon, Huddlestone, Carrick.....and many more. Thats why Spurs are financially very very stable. But there must be something behind the scene that makes these very talented players not able to perform consistently. Some were great before coming to Spurs.....So i think it is more skin deep...
I can consider you a truly true blue supporter. Many a times, people will jump ship!! haha

Thanks - can't imagine supporting any other team. The early 70s were fun, back then ANY CLUB could win the league but since the late 70s it was Liverpool and of course, Man Utd since 1993.

Still there have been memorable moments being a Spurs fan -

*watching Ricky Villa score THAT goal in 81 cup final - was on guard duty that nite and watched the 2nd half live whilst everyone else was sleeping at the guardroom :)

*jumping with joy when Graham Roberts equalized in the 84 UEFA Cup Final 2nd leg

*Clive Allen's phenomenal 86-87 season - 49 goals!

*Glenn Hoddle - my favorite footballer of all time

*Gazza's free kick agst the Arse 91 FA Cup semi-final

*Klinsmann setting the premiership alight

*Allan Nielson's injury time goal in the 99 League Cup Final

*Consecutive 5th place finishes in 06 & 07

*Beating Arse and Chelsksi on the way to last year's Carling Cup win - will never forget that 5-1

*great flair players - Hoddle, Villa, Ardiles, Falco, Archibald, Crooks, Waddle, Gazza, Lineker, Anderton, Sheringham, Klinsmann, Ginola, Keane, Berbatov and so on...

disappointments - too many to name, don't get me started...

present squad is in a mess and Harry has a lot of work to do. don't believe we will go down but it'll be tough... *sigh*
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haha.....if basketball, im just an avid follower of Ray Allen....has loads of his collectibles!:).....The San Antonio Spurs are picking up steam at the moment after a slow start.

haha. ironically, i DON'T watch nba ah. just the occasional highlights..
Anyway, for Spurs fan.....i think the acquisition of Defoe for the second time will be a big mistake. Frankly, i was happy when he went. He did not contribute much as a team member and are often too light weight and often caught offside. Looking at Spurs now, i think they need people who can battle and defoe is not one of those player.
from a die hard Arsemal fan (since 1978) ...I wish all you spud fans from the bottom of my heart

do get relegated ...
Seriously, i think something is gravely wrong at WHL. First they say that they need battler to change their fortune and then they go signing Defoe.....Cannot understand the logic. What Happened to the Appiah and Palacios link? These are the 2 players than need to be bought!

What do you guys think? Anyway, Spurs need to win the game against Portsmouth or they will seriously be in big trouble. I seriously think, Rednapp should play Ghaly soon or some youngster like Bostock. Play battler like Ohara ....these are the player needed during these time. Bench player like Bentley and others who do not play wholeheartedly.