split album punk rock+metal

punkrock or metal

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i don't get it If what you meant was would people buy a split release (of both a punk rock and metal band together in the same CD)
isnt the poll a yes or a no thing?

yes for me, if i like the music enough to want to part with the cash.
1 album, 2 genres, more than 1 band

hahah like blink 182 & slipknot/linkin park? or simple plan & mayhem? or good charlotte & helloween? anyways..NO
the poll just to see more metalheads or punkrockers usibg this website
its one album two genre wat u guys think
your input would you buy it or not
i agree with lars_ulrich..
neither do i understand what you're trying to say gemuk.
or are u really what it says on your nick? gemukkecik?

before i get nasty ... =p

are you trying to get our opinions on whether we'd buy that split metal/punkrock album.

1 album. 2 genre. and 2 bands?

or are u ...
i think he means = would you guys buy a split album of punk & metal?
& by the poll he just wants to know how many punkrockers n metalheads there r in here. bt still its a bad split idea :lol:
OUHHHS. thx gutturalpiss.

the vote & the title of the thread so... not matching.
but i'm neither a punkrocker or a metalhead.
and besides, punkrock & metal in an album makes some people giddy.
wow kid nowadays you guy why dont you skip the topic when you dont understand it just need your opinion whether would you buy such a split album because i definitely would cause i'm not bias against any genre
unlike you posers who think that metal and punk are the only music in the
world anyway the kid in the picture is my son which qualify me to be your uncle. dont poke your nose where its not wanted and if you've got comment keep it to urself or open another threat poser .
just trying to help a bunch of local guy who ain't bias pure poor musicians
to save up on some cost in making an album.

and damn you knuckle head you shut shove your own knuckle in your mouth before i shove my dick in your mouth uselee freak
you'd think someone with a kid would a) be old enough to form sentences which can be easily understood, and b) be more concerned about using foul language in a forum with a lot of young people. apparently age has no bearing on maturity.

to answer your question, or what i understand of it, i'd probably buy the album if the music was good, regardless of the genre(s).
People are just trying to say Punk and Metal do not go well together. Saving money is another...and honestly, have you ever heard of a band which genre's Punk Metal? Singing and screaming just do not get along.
whoa whoa whoa relax pakcik relaxxx..indeed u could'v been a lil bit clearer abt the poll. Plus if u reli need some gd stats here u gotta provide the chances & not just shoo some ppl off..afterall any uncle wouldnt spoil his image by deeming his juniors inferior :o Tht would just make respecting the elders a bad idea & bring back memories of another uncle - Herr Hitler :D Btw nobody said metal & punk r the only music styles..u my sir asked abt em 2 genres being in a split album n a few comments were made stating itz nt a gd idea, basically in terms of economical factors. Bt hey..pure true musicians take the risk dont they? Tell yer friends to just go ahead w/ it. If nt me, there ARE others who would love this kind of spice.

i guess idiots like me only know how to talk but my words don't make sense.

and WHOA WHAT A LONG SENTENCE! NO FULLSTOP. i guess your english teacher back then in the 1980s were such sobers to have people like you as their student.
now look, i don't even care if you're fucken old enough to be my or OUR uncle because my cousin have a son and he's obviously not OLD ENOUGH to be my uncle.

and the posers, who were you referring to? because from what i read on this thread, we were just merely stating our suggestions.

"dont poke your nose where its not wanted and if you've got comment keep it to urself or open another threat poser ." << it's not called poking, it's called 'STATING WHAT WE THINK'. and i swear u meant THREAD. and btw, if everyone were to KEEP their comments to their ownself, whats the use of this site & the forum that our kind guy set up for us ?

and just in case you didn't know, knucklehead means idiot. and i've got better stuffs to do than shoving my own knuckle into my own mouth unless i'm having a seizure, which i believe i don't.

oh gosh your english, tsk tsk.
and i forgot to include this...

if its punk & metal you're talking about...
pop punk & such don't really fit in.
perhaps hardcore punk & stuffs like that are better.


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