i guess idiots like me only know how to talk but my words don't make sense.
and WHOA WHAT A LONG SENTENCE! NO FULLSTOP. i guess your english teacher back then in the 1980s were such sobers to have people like you as their student.
now look, i don't even care if you're fucken old enough to be my or OUR uncle because my cousin have a son and he's obviously not OLD ENOUGH to be my uncle.
and the posers, who were you referring to? because from what i read on this thread, we were just merely stating our suggestions.
"dont poke your nose where its not wanted and if you've got comment keep it to urself or open another threat poser ." << it's not called poking, it's called 'STATING WHAT WE THINK'. and i swear u meant THREAD. and btw, if everyone were to KEEP their comments to their ownself, whats the use of this site & the forum that our kind guy set up for us ?
and just in case you didn't know, knucklehead means idiot. and i've got better stuffs to do than shoving my own knuckle into my own mouth unless i'm having a seizure, which i believe i don't.
oh gosh your english, tsk tsk.