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Guys...Where can i get the cable for the SPDIF in/out at the back of the external I/O hub?

SoundBlaster Audigy2 ZS Platinum Pro: Cable for SPDIF in/out
im looking for the SPDIF coaxial digital audio RCA cable for my Audigy2 ZS Platinum Pro external hub..i tried searching but cound not find it..anyone can help? what brand is available? where sia?
i tried searching for it at sim lim but cant find it...some sales assistants even said they dunno what is SPDIF coaxial rca cable..haizz

which shop can i find one?
audio said:
i tried searching for it at sim lim but cant find it...some sales assistants even said they dunno what is SPDIF coaxial rca cable..haizz

which shop can i find one?

Just use the 75 ohm cable (the yellow one) that some VCR/VCD players use to connect to the tv.

Can be bought at a neigbourhood hardware store.
audio said:
sure or not lowjk? that one for video sia...that wire can carry digital audio signal?

Do you think I'm an idiot? I assume that you think I am and that's why you are posting a picture of a coxial RCA cable, thinking that I do not know what you are talking about.

You are WRONG!
I've been using a video cable to carry digital signals for a long time.
In case you are not aware, a video selector box can be used as a routing box or patch bay for digital signal on the video channel.

Purist may flip but this arrangement hasn't failed me nor introduce crackles.
eh..relax ah brader..i did not tink u're an idiot..its u urself...

so SPDIF coaxial digital audio cable has the same specs as composite video cable? now i know..

honestly im juz curious lowjk..y they give different names for these 2 cables although their specs and components are the same?..y get worked up?..stress ah?..long time never get ah?

i could have juz use the yellow video cable that i got instead of looking high and low for it..i got lots of them.. :oops:
audio said:
i could have juz use the yellow video cable that i got instead of looking high and low for it..i got lots of them.. :oops:

Then why don't you try it.
My Yamaha SW1000XG digital out is hooked up to my Pulsar II Card digital in with the yellow video cable.
i did try lowjk..it works fine..but is the output analog or digital? im realli confused..

so u're saying composite video rca cable can be used to transmit multi-channel/DTS/Dolby digital audio signal? so SPDIF Coaxial Digital Audio RCA cable is actually Composite Video RCA cable and vice versa?

for your info, a user known as azacamis said we cant use it coz composite is analog..check it out at Kopitiam category..subject is 'SPDIF coaxial digital audio rca and composite video rca'

who is right and who is wrong? :roll:
It worked didn't it?

And like I say, a video selector box can serve as a patchbay.
I found this out when I was searching for an alternative to plugging and unplugging the yellow cable. Since a video cable can serve as as Coxial Cable, why shouldn't the selector works as a patchbay and it did.

ps - the resistance is still the most important thing about the cable. Regardless whether the signal is digital or analogue, it is ultimatley converted to "electrons" to be transported down the line.
yes..it worked as in u can hear the audio output coming out from the speaker...

BUT...is the output digital or analog?
audio said:
y get worked up?..stress ah?..long time never get ah?

Because I answered out of a goodwill to share my experience with you and you doubted me and repeated the question as if I did not get you the first time.

I've used the yellow cable and a video selector as a digital patchbay for a long time (8 years) and shared the info on the predessor to this forum which was ran by 0vid and the experienced & professional musician/soundman/producer did not question me.
i was taught to ask questions again and again whenever in doubts..i appreciate ur contribution but i hav d right to say wat i feel..furthermore its u alone who contributed..yeah i doubted u..if there r like 10 other people who say wat u say, i would not hav doubts brader..

to cut it short i believe u..but the question is: Is the output digital or analog? i would appreciate it if u make a statement as follows: The output is ______.
audio said:
i was taught to ask questions again and again whenever in doubts..i appreciate ur contribution but i hav d right to say wat i feel..furthermore its u alone who contributed..yeah i doubted u..if there r like 10 other people who say wat u say, i would not hav doubts brader..

to cut it short i believe u..but the question is: Is the output digital or analog? i would appreciate it if u make a statement as follows: The output is ______.

It is digital.

If in doubt do the two tests I described.
1) Connect GNX digital out to A2 analog in -> should not hear any sound or hear high pitch screech.

2) Check your recording program in your PC. Signal should be coming in thru the digital in in stereo if the GNX2 is a stereo effect.
It would take a PAIR of analogue audio RCA cables to carry the signal in stereo.
all ritey..thank u..thanks to both of u, lowjk and azacamis..me really appreciate it..i have learnt something new..

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