SpanishFly live at Crescent Girls School

Re: gy

NewJames said:
We all sure will see Dong shred ...

[edited by SOFT: please respect the forum and fellow users]

haha hahahahahha
serve u right newjames. if u do it again, i will ask the Boss to ban u forever.
just got back from the gig!

we had a kick ass time there and SpanishFly would like to thank all the crazy Crescent chicks for showing us a good time!

also cheers to the friends we made while at CGS!

thanks to mikemann for the equipment and also to ms ong and ms low for inviting us down to play.

looking forward to more shows in CGS :)







how i wish i am still a student n enjoy all the good Gig held at schools by big bands such as SpanishFly, Ronin, Electrico, 3dash1 etc......
pssh wheres your confidence!

you should be saying something like "they arent worthy to see me strip. They will go blind from the gold light that emits from body, covering evecryone in a blanket of warmth!"

well..thats what i woulda said :P
lol. dont have ah. but i think gt some girls posted a few vids on youtube.

my friend passed me a link a few days back.