Source Audio: Sounblox Tri-Mod Phaser


New member

Has anyone here tried this / bought this?
The hot hand series of effect seems pretty interesting. The soundblox are like the "younger bros" of the hot hand
I remember seeing this in Ochanomizu a couple of years back when i was in tokyo, thought it was weird looking and pricey, so didnt bother to try it. Seems that price has dropped..
Guys like Herman Li and even the bald one Mr Corgan seems to be avid users of the Hot Hand series. And it seems to be a very decent phaser on its own (sans the wireless hand controller)


Here are some videos of it (some of them look really spastic! hahaha)

wit herman li (looking retarded ! hahaha )

wit chuck garvey (check 2.04 onwards, madness)
i enjoyed the herman li video! with paul gilbert and satch. who was the other guitarist on the left? his tone was pretty amazing... seriously some wicked showmanship stuffs over there with the hot hand!!!
i really like this idea but still not into that level of expression. and the ring would look much better if it seemed invisible instead of making it glow blue..
hey! i really dunno who the other dude is.. haha

yeah should make it transparent, or just go all out balls to the walls trippy light parade! imagine if the colors change based on movement.. hahaha awesome trippy !