Sound System at The Third Place

hey anthony, what do you want to know?

i checked out the place before and the stage to audience distance is really short. meaning the raw sound from drums and amp will reach the audience before the sound from the PA. for the set up, to get good balance, the band must really work with the sound engineer in minimising the level from their amp.

for the drums, it would be good if there is a shield and then mic up the drumset properly.

the band must learn to listen to the monitor speakers. coz if they blast their own amps, there's no way they can hear anything from the monitor (VOCALS!!!).

the last time i was there, there were lots of feedback. this was because the instruments' level were too high and cannot hear the vocals. so the sound engineer up the vocal mic so much that it cause feedback. honestly, a better sound engineer might be able to improve the situation a little only. if the band cant work with the engineer, the engineer also cannot do anything.

raising the Front Of House speakers might help a little.

conditioning the band to work with the sound system is another thing. :wink:

* i am moving this from the Gig section to the Sound section