Sound proofing a room


New member
does anyone have any idea on how much it would cost to sound proof a room?

or is there any other alternatives?

if u wan cheap sound proofing.....

here it is:

1) use thick carpeting... and i realli mean "THICK" (5cm if possible), alternativly u can thicken the floor with concrete

2) buy draps hang ard yr room... again thick draps

this is the cheapest way out... although it is not the best... but this is the cheapest i can think off.... :wink:

seriously i think this shld be enough to sound proof quite a fair bit of the drums... maybe or most likely the rumbling freq will still be pass thru yr walls.... well if u wan a total sound proof it is a different story....

but well after all... it all boils down to y u wan to sound proof and what u gonna do in the room.... if u wan to record stuff.... u need treatment.... so decide before u do anything that is destructive....
i did mine for only 80 dollars (if i remb correctly). did it like almost 6yrs ago.
however i lost the contact for the foam.
Everything DIY. Buy abt 5 cm think foam, the person will recommend u the density of the foam according to what are your soundproofing needs. It is not those egg try ones, but just a flat piece of foam. Buy heavy duty Glue, and stick up on the walls, doors and windows. To beautify the place, before sticking them up, use a nice color cloth to wrap around the foam. Also i got a carpenter to do a platform for me. Below the platform is one carpet, on the platform is another carpet. It has served me well thus far, no complains, and the foam help cut alot of the highs of the cymbals, so the overall sound is very comfortable.
lemuelp311 way will work too... to improve even more soundproofing of the cymbals.... draps could be added.... :wink:

was wondering if some of you can post pictures of your soundproof room?

so as to get guidance from it!

Hi the cost depends on the area and how many walls you want to treat. Also cost is dependant on materials and total sound reduction. You can soundproof for 2k or as much as you want, typically 5k is a good budget to do everything and the door.
Try looking at noiseblock product range in singapore they are the best ive found and the materials are proper stuff not the thermal insulation of packing foams around. anything else let me know i see if i can help.
just a friendly reminder, as once a person who had a bedroom studio 9 years back. drapes,eggcartons etc, you can DIY all you want. just take note of fire/health,hygiene (dust)/ and electrical hazards practices, buy a proper power socket extension, don't stack plugs in one socket. so that means no smoking in your own room heheh. keep it neat/clean otherwise you won't get laid unless the chick is a hippiegroupie.cockroaches/bugs will wanna live in a place like that as well.