Songwriting Is The Best?

One of my fav artistes Paul Simon - when he recorded the Graceland and Rhythem of the Saints albums, he actually recorded the drum and percussion tracks first and THEN thought ot the concept, melody, song structure and lyrics to work around the rhythem.

He actually brought hours of recorded percussion stuff back to New York from Africa and Brazil and spent 2-3 years writing the tunes.

Love all his stuff:D

ooh, that's really rather unorthodox to me!

haha varied composition styles makes the world go round (:
I always find the melody comes first before lyrics. I have written songs from a drum beat as well, I just tend to hear it in my head then drop it onto whatever instrument will suit it!

I find the best songs always take about 15 minutes to write and come from nowhere. There is nothing better than all of a sudden having an idea pop into your head and work out as soon as you try it.