something's wrong with my guitar/amp


New member
hey guys, i need some help here. i was testing an amp (laney lg35r) just now and it was going okay when the sound died off suddenly. so i went home to test on my peavey amp but there was no sound coming out at all as well.. also, prior to testing the laney amp, when i plugged my guitar into my peavey amp, there would be no sound sometimes and i had to tap on my push-pull coil tap gently a few times before any sound was produced. what exactly is the problem here?? my guitar is an ibanez js100 and my amp is a peavey backstage.

So you're saying the problem is with your guitar? Check a few things: the jack, cable (though i doubt you used the same cable, did you). It might be the pickup.
hmm..i see. nope i dont think it had anything to do with the jack (just had it fixed recently) or cable (i used the same for both amps). its probably my guitar then. thanks for the help!