Insider news: guitars eg Fender etc are special stock for asia in terms of wood. Something to do with extra ageing and seasoning (monosodiumglutumate) something like that, due to our climate. But swee lee and its 'shops-run-by-others-but-with-the-same-stuff' often quote things like exchange rate and brand name value etc as a reason to jack up prices. You can compare for yourself with online stores. I am sad, but this is the fact of the monopoly here in sg. Swee Lee has been here since 1942 and they're still here with sole distributorship for all the big brands.
If you order online, sure you can get what you want, but you got to have a credit card (sometimes maybe not, can pay thru money order or something), you can't try the guitar before you get it (unless you drop by our local music store, give it a go if its in stock like those thick-skinned people nowadays who try stuff out damn loud for hours and yet they don't even have any intention of buying) and if something is wrong with your guitar when you receive it, be prepared to go through a bit of trouble for returns. And i'm sure with all those ads on the tv you see nowadays for UPS and DHL and what not, shipping won't be THAT cheap either. Yea i'm sure you won't mind the extra trouble for a few hundred bucks less that you'd rather spend on effects or jam room $ ya? :wink: Also if the seasoned wood for asia thing is true, you won't get the plus factor from online stores.
But the bottom line is, when it comes to 'supporting' our local music stores, i'm sure they got regular overseas customers and other ventures to profit from rather than our meagre spending power for a guitar. If you want to get it here, then get it. The staff are usually friendly as long as YOU don't act like an a**. If you disagreee, get down and talk to them. You'll be surprised. I'm sure you haven't done so recently if you still make that remark now. But the world is ever changing, its getting smaller, and now more than ever you don't have to sit there and cry coz your dream guitar's too expensive. Get online and get it if that suits you...