some of my originals

awww man u gotta be a member to listennnnn. hey put it on sendit or something.ha.would be much easier. :)
no man,you only need to be a member to download
but you can listen to the song by clicking the lo-fi or hi-fi
button at the side
woah.its pretty good i have to say.really tight and all plus madddddddd shreddinggggggggggggggggggg.ahahaha.great job!
What program did you use for tracking/recording and mixing?

What drum machine is that?

Also, what microphone?
whoa... this is amazing... good stuff. you probably don't need me telling you this, but you've got talent
thanks 4 listening

no lah Tak where got talent hantam only wakakaka

loyct i did everything using PS04 which is a palmtop recorder from Zoom
no mic needed everything is line-in even the drum machine is build in(DEFINITELY WORTH MY 300++)
and to tell you the truth i didnt even tweak the efx used all the preset wakaka(lazylah)
anyway thank you all you guys 4 listening
waaa your rojak sure sound power sia. those weird movements. impressively impressive! lol. its captivating cos of diff movements in the song. heavy yet melodious! nice playing!