SOFT soccer team

everyone, if u have balls or any equipment, especially those with cars, just bring ur balls. THERE WILL NEVER BE TOO MANY BALLS.
everyone, if u have balls or any equipment, especially those with cars, just bring ur balls. THERE WILL NEVER BE TOO MANY BALLS.

d'oh! that's what i said too lol! and it's way true. would you rather keep going to pick balls up? GOT BALLBOYS ANYWAY NOT? :mrgreen:
haha. yeah! aiya those who not playing, come pick balls la. easy. donwan out only, have to run take ball, tiring that playing soccer itself! haha
Lol, so far I've collected three contact numbers but that's because I wasn't online for a night. -.- headwan, how many contacts have you collected?
actually i got 3 also.....hiyo i was looking for u last nite online, but to no avail, u were not online....arghhhh...ahakz....hey before we even proceed, need to clear things out....there is possibility of we playing 2 side, and guys who turning up, can at least we bring 2 colour shirt so tat it wont be too embarrasing to take out our clothes if our body have 6 in 1 pack instead of 6 pack if got 2 side, each side wearing a different colour.... so how can or not?
Its Wed already and Im still spewing yellow phelghm. Looks like I gotta pass a last minute fitness test before Sun's meet up.
Okay, 1 white and 1 red. By the way, I won't be going online that frequently. headwan, you can email me the contacts you've collected and then we'll message them. Is that alright?
fgl , try ur best to make it luh huh. eh ! why red and white. i tot i could wear my chelsea jersey. alamak . nvm la. haha.
fgl , try ur best to make it luh huh. eh ! why red and white. i tot i could wear my chelsea jersey. alamak . nvm la. haha.

Just wear loh ..I bring white spray paint spray ur chelski jersey ..hur hur hyr :mrgreen: