SOFT is back!!(3march2004)


Staff member
Dear all

For those who have followed the saga during the last 3 days, I want to thank you for giving us your support and blessing. Yes, we were hacked and the website was shut down for 2 days. During the last 48 hours, we have installed the latest version of our CMS software - PHPNUKE, re-loaded the database and set up the whole SOFT again.

Those who called, SMSed, MSNed and emailed me, a BIG thank you. Your support makes going through these all worthwhile. (hopefully, i dont have to do it again!)

Honestly, there is no promise that we will not be attacked again. We are defendless. Just like many years ago, when I attended a 24hours concert at Substation, there was this fellow who threw a glass bottle onto the stage and injured the band member. I was thinking, "Why did he want to do that?" We were all just having a good time, listening to some music, giving our support to the musicians.

If the person who hacked our site is reading this, I hope you understand that you have caused great stress to myself and those who get a little spark when browsing through our site. Please do not cause us more problems.

Some of you might have noticed that the Ads or message you have posted are not showing up on the website, this is because we only managed to backup from 26th Feb 2004. Please post again to the respective sections.

Once again, I hope you will continue visiting SOFT and rock on!

James Woo
3 Cheers for the team to put SOFT back on track..Hip Hip HURRAY!

well done!! :P

anyone, i was hacked too, my nick was used by that hacker to post some raelly dumb stuff, hope it did not cause much inconvenience for u guys.. :oops:
congrats for weathering the storm! Somehow the main page per item lines are really large, making it difficult to read the items. just a suggestion....
Hi veganbleu

Good to see you! You mentioned about the 'per item lines are really large', did you mean the box/space for each AD?

yep soft, the previous pages had smaller gaps between ads as well as smaller padding. The end effect, at least for me, was that you could see all the ads in a one shot as opposed to scrolling. I guess this is the default template for phpnuke?
is it me or are the links for the previous pages of the ads not there anymore? i'll try to look for them again later. :D

the forum jump links don't work, when i click on them the page says the module isn't active...

and how many posts before we're not newbs anymore?
Hi veganbleu

Will look into that. 8)


veganbleu said:
yep soft, the previous pages had smaller gaps between ads as well as smaller padding. The end effect, at least for me, was that you could see all the ads in a one shot as opposed to scrolling. I guess this is the default template for phpnuke?
Hi atee

Ya, we didnt include the "Next Page" thingy. There's another way to see the previous ads by clicking on "Read Ads" at the top of the page.

I was also thinking about the ranking issue, hmmm... what should have after 'newbie'? Suggestion? :lol:


atee said:
is it me or are the links for the previous pages of the ads not there anymore? i'll try to look for them again later. :D

the forum jump links don't work, when i click on them the page says the module isn't active...

and how many posts before we're not newbs anymore?
advanced newbie
mild post addict
advanced post addict
heavy post addict
i post a lot because you do too

there you go... different levels of posters
I think you are right! Without the Next Page, kinda difficult to navigate. So, we added the Next Page thingy!

Thanks atee!
Rank Names

soft said:
Got any more musical one or not?
Loud Speaker
Boom Box
Sound of Thor
Silent Virtuoso

Ranked in terms of intensity. Volume, i suppose. What do u mean musical? I would prefer labels that avoid genres, since no genre should be lesser than other genres.

As for musical talent labels (eg. virtuoso), we'd then be discouraging non-musical pple from writing in this forum. Anyway, anything less than "virtuoso" is derogatory. There seems to be limited vocab (that i know of) to describe pple who are "not yet virtuoso". It seems the music industry had been unforgiving even from the beginnings! heh.

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