Soft bag for Bass


New member
just borrowed a bass indefinitely, got a strap today, tried to get a soft case and it turns out it was too small (-.-, basses generally only have one size gahh). going back to exchange tomorrow.

In the meantime, since I made an error, does anyone have anything to recommend? price + location please.

thanks haha

(posted this in the rookie forum first, then I realised that its kind of dead so.. yeah)
how can bass soft bag be too soft? what shape your borrowed bass guitar has?

bags prices start from couple tens, depending on quality and protection you want. many here like the bag by monocase, which is almost $200 and being semi-hard and offers good overall protection.
too small, you mean, not too soft.

Its an SX starter bass, figured it would be cheaper if I borrowed the bass (indefinitely) and got the amp and other stuff myself. Dunno why but the neck doesn't fit =.= maybe shop keeper misheard.

Hmm where can I find that? Any particular shop to recommend?
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exactly what kind of bass is it?

it is quite common for jazz basses not to be able to fit some cases and bags. this is because the jazz bass body has an offset waist which is not symmetrical. this effectively makes the jazz bass longer than most other fender basses.

its not difficult to find a case that fits. u were probably 'lucky' enough to find one that didn't.