so bye" to fender jap next year?? true enuff?


New member
i noe that got people post bout this before,just wanna confirm with all of u,how true is this...coz i might wanna save up for fender jap before the production stop...cheers mate
heard abt it also but no confirmation cept from some folks at g77, but not sure really. anyways, if u have a fender jap, hold it on to it first la...could be a rarity next time..keke
fibredrive said:
heard abt it also but no confirmation cept from some folks at g77, but not sure really. anyways, if u have a fender jap, hold it on to it first la...could be a rarity next time..keke

yeah dude...afraid that it would stop, i love those jappies quality,somehow i trust MIJ product better than MIM,personal preference =)

btw sub, are you trying to say that jap basses will still continue their production? but under the 'j-craft' thingy?