Skunk Jive at Crazy Elephant (4 and 11 Sep) - Blues and Funk


New member
Smokey and gang will pull out all the stops, playing their originals mixed in with some standards. The band's debut gig at Crazy Elephant will also feature new bassist Azman Nirwan. If you want to hear some super funky and rootsy blues on a Saturday night, this is where you gotta go. Note to drummers and bassists: plenty of drum and bass solos in the set!

Start time: Late Saturday nights on 4 and 11 Sep. 1am in the morning - technically Sunday mornings. Don't get confused!

End time: About 2.30 am in the morning.

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The 4 Sep gig was really good, playing midnight blues to a crowd in the wee hours of the morning! Plenty of chemistry and interplay in the band.

Come for the 11 Sep gig for a slightly different repertoire.
Amazing! One of best sounds I've heard from a 4-pc blues band!

And you've got a friggin' amazing drummer! I'm sorry I din catch on his name, except he's from Switzerland?