Skid Row in Singapore?



The original (or whatever the 1990 lineup was) in singapore?

Fuck yes x 100000000

yeah sebs in some gay numetal bvand now isnt he? Whats the point of this post? to crush our hopes and dreams or is there actually a chance they could come?
The purpose of this post is to see how many ppl would go watch their concert if they were to come to SG....

So there IS a chance they will be coming.... :wink:

Well i'm not gonna think about it and get my hopes up or anything, but if they do come i'll be buying the best tickets available and may even quit work so i can try and grow my hair again :p
Jus watched the new reality show, SUPERGROUP. Bach, Nugent, Evan Seinfeld, Scott Ian and Jason Bonham..............BORING!
oh my, if the original lineup came i'd sell my soul to watch them perform. goddammit i would sell everything hahah. well if sebastian's band or the new skid row came now i'd still go anyway.
If Skid Row would come to Singapore, I would lose 30 kgs, (cause I'm 90 Kg), to fit in my previous size 25 tight jeans and look super skinny, :)

Defer my reservist just to grow my hair longer (cause my reservist is about to arrive in a few months time, and my hair now is reasonably on shoulder length).
And go learn how to apply make up. :)

Oh ya, as one contestant on Singapore Idol has given a good tip about vocal, I quote " I just imagine my voice trying to squeeze throught a pin hole" to achive high pitch voice for the Skid Row sing-a-long
Monkey business... hehe..
Youth Gone Wild... the anthem of my teen days..
Woo hoo.. i would grow my hair long again... if they would ever come.. hehe
No way!

Skid F**king Row?!

If you ask me, chances are almost zilch....guys don't put your hopes up too high. From track records, even if Skid Row is going to's most likely ain't gonna be all 5 of 'em like we used to hear :roll:
DEW! Are you serious?! :D :D Bring 'em down!

(uber off topic) And while you're at it bring Iron Maiden down too :lol:
Correction, its not Skid Row. Its Sebastian Bach and he tours solo with his own band but he still does the classic Skid Row songs.
Yeah, makes more sense that it is just Sebastian Bach doin a solo run. He is headed to Japan soon, plus he did just come out with a statement saying he is NOT doing any gigs with Skid Row ever.