Skateboard, Skateboarding, Skaters.

LOL im a skater and i have been playing for 1 and a half years and i have been trying to learn how to ollie
I'm a skater..
i've been skating since i was pri 3..
now i'm 16.hmm so it's been like 7yrs?haha
but i'm still not good at it..hahaha
now i skate like on and off.not too often like last time ah
my bro introduce me to this sport..haha
I used to be a skater. Can't remember how long I stopped skating. Friends stopped so I had to stop too, no friends to skate with.

I think it would be better to list all the tricks that you can do. :)
I tried skating with a small skateboard. Idk if it's a toy or not, but I tried doing ollie's with it. Spent ard a week watching YouTube vids on how to do it. But then I gave up. Didn't work well. haha.
just curious, anyone into fingerskating? Idk if it's called that. the one where you use a small skateboard and use your fingers to skate with it. haha. a much safer version of skateboarding.
i used to skate. with my friends. wasted kids. bcos we skate, and got drunk at the same time. i know its mad.but true. now i stop alrdy. cos, i tried to launch, *FOOOOSH* BANG my friend at a very high speed. still having that phobia.