Siva - The Trooper

BlackMoo! you're gonna get pinched by siva tmr and you're gonna drown in the sea after that. ahh candY, go concentrate on Mr_X laa. ((:
walau. its canDIE not canDY. its meant to be can die anyways -_- ZZZ you should know that by now. have fun drowning blackmoo tmr!






i never confessed anything. don't try to make me sound guilty, mrs fendershirt!
lol. fine. i started it first.

actually technically no.. you started it with all the 'siva's my idol' thing. LOL.

okay okay. enough.

okay wait. have to say my piece. SIVA'S MY IDOL CUZ HE'S GOOD. I'm his inspiration(this is just random bulls*it. lol)

AND what has inspirations and idols got to do with scandals?! haha. i mean i love electrico, ronin etc. you're not gonna say i have something going on with them right! LOL. and we don't go around saying we have something going on with SLASH and AXL ROSE and BRUCE DICKINSON right. or billie joe armstrong(lol)

AH WELL. TRUCE! LOL. nuff nuff. give this thread back to sivalicious.

yay. candie n me are best frds again. (:

since when aren't we best friends? you love me too much dear, you can't stay mad at me for more than 10 secs. =DDD *lesbianism*

ahem ahem. siva you mind us abusing your thread? lol we're like super duper off topic. =x
hahha.. help urself .. this thread ah .. aiyah .. let u all tok i c also entertaining .hhaa

MOO !!! u die tml .. u lucky i cannot eat beef ah .. if not i will bloody hell cut ur damn meat piece by piece and ya.. pepper u can eat it .wouldnt mind bbqing for ya .hahaha.. its not included in the 8 bucks we paid .haha.. ure entitled to it !
siva said:
kao eh . .always say ure bored ..haha

make me feel bored also .
((: thats the whole point. i wanted to SHARE my boredom with my idol. LOL.

whatever ever. anyways, its all cool now. lol. we should jump into the waters next time ah. lol. oh but it was dark already. okay better not ah.. sekali that drunkard drown. (:

"you go into the water, you wont come back out le" haha.

oops off topic. go siva! wow us with your new recordings! heh heh. ((:
How come link expired.. :( Hey siva do you play over a backing track or you create everything from scratch yourself?