Singapore Bands On MySpace

anyone has the myspace link for the metal band "Bhelliom" ? its a local band that performed at DXO esplanade at Deafcon 5. they were great up on stage.
The Media Slave (The Single 2007) - Geraldine Png

The Media Slave (The Single 2007) - Geraldine Png


Lyrics :

It all started when I was three
Nanny sat me front of the TV
She didn't know what to do with me
It all started when I was three

I Am... I Am... Media Slave

You dictate the things I do
How I sleep, eat or drink
All my friends are just like me
We party, read and write like you

I Am... I Am... Media Slave

You make us sit and worship you
Toss & turn our hearts around
Nothing is ever enough for you
We buy & use things we don't need

I Am... I Am... Media Slave
Hi, we're ERIS.
Generally our music is Metal.
Check us out. Feel free to comment there in myspace.
We'll be playing a show at Arts House this 29th december.
If you like what you hear, then we hope to see there!
Ohh, and do contact us (or me) for discounted tix!
hey guys.. check us thrash heads out if you want something faster and more brutal

the newer tracks are blood is dirt and man vs fetus.. let us know what you folks think alright?

selamat merry year
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wad a long list...

y not put them in different genres so its easy to browse...
new threads needed
or mayb a space wer all local bands can b viewed and easily found