yeah it was lyds HAHA.
and VADER hahaha.that would be awesome if they came.but yeahhh.
hahahaha anyways.i had fun.yes Sya here. if you're the guy in white (i cant remember if it was an a7x shirt, or even remember how you look like, and there were many in white), thanks for always asking if i was okay.
i felt bad.coz i elbowed him as a thank you. hahaha.
and and.thanks to the millions who moshed along, caused the bruises and all, because its been a long time i got them bruises, so thank you, I LOVE YOU FOR THE BUISES! REALLY! :twisted:
and i dont see why a7x wont come back, we pretty much scared them and proved we're worth their time during the first song alone.they had to stop in the middle of the damn FIRST song Beast And The Harlot, and imagine if they had their own show, i think we might even break faces.
hahahahahahahhaa i know i might if i had the strength.
MXPX was awesome too. the rest of the bands was alright, i danced along and all. but my highlights go to a7x and mxpx. :lol: