
leecs said:
Bro! as the saying goes: haven learn to walk, wana learn to fly. Master your scales 1st!!!! If you really wana increase your speed, get a metronome. start at a very low speed eg: 66bpm. then move your way up. you can try with chromatics with the metronome. this will take time. not a 1 day achievment.
can arpeggios also improve metronomes?my accuracy xux n my speed is so-so.....i cant play lyk petrucci or some other fast

Of course it can. but dont think of arprggios now. concentrate on your knowledge on scales 1st.
can metronome be used to improve sense of beat too?

i can play quite fast but then i dunno if my beat is correct..n the beat can change in the middle of the song too right?