Should I start with acoustic or electric guitar first


New member
Hey was wondering if you need to start with acoustic guitar and then proceed to electric guitar or can i just start with electric guitar?Thanks... kinda retard but hey i m clueless lol
Totally up to you. You can start on acoustic and move to electric, or just start from electric. Basically it's dictated by your personal preference, there's no real rule.
I started out playing the acoustic guitar first. Learning chords, power chords, strumming patterns and a bit of finger picking. After a few months, I bought my first electric guitar package. Started to learn scales, muting, hammer-ons, pull-offs and so on.

You can start with whatever first. If you are more attracted to electric guitars, start with that first. If not, start with acoustic guitars. :)
You can start with lap steel or banjo or bass first also can~

Realistically, which instrument excites you more? Got money to invest? yep do think about it.
It all depends on your music preference, if you listen to hard rock, electric blues and heavy metal, chances are you're gonna choose an electric guitar...etc. a certain extend, who's your guitar heroes play a part too.
i would prefer acoustic , as acoustic trains ur finger strength . So as when u move to electric , it will get easier along the way
you can start electric and do finger exercises that will just as well help you to play on the electric as well as anybody. Starting off on acoustic while trying stuff for electric could frustrate you as a beginner, and that may not help you along depending on your aptitude towards guitar and music.

But as the above posts have mention, start with what you are interested with the budget and goals in mind~
well starting off on either electric or acoustic is both good.

Electric guitar strings are easier to press(less blister on fingers i should say).
But Electric guitar cost more and requires control on lots of stuff like tone,volume,sustain,gain,vibrato,bending etc.

For acoustics,strings harder to press,strumming at first might sound awkardly bad.But improves with time and practise.
Personally i feel that beginners should start with acoustic.But like i said in my first sentence starting off on both is all good :cool:
I think start with the one that you're more into first. Like if you play a lot of rock, learn electric first and then learn the other later since you can bring over techniques from one to the other, thus making learning the other at least a little easier.
My personal experience with both

I started with accoustic many years ago, felt frustrated by my inability to progress much due to difficulty in pressing the strings on the higher frets, which probably was due to my having a cheapo guit (ard S$150). Came Jan 2009, an impulsive buy of a S$300 electric and a $200 Marshalls amp put me back on the music track! I found the electric SO SO much easier to play! I'm now searching for schools to work towards a diploma in electric guitar. Reborn again! My 2 cts worth. You may have a different journey...all the best!

Through the net, I found the Registry of Guitar Teachers and in association with the London College of Music, they offer exams Grade 1 to Eight. Any one can enlighten me as to their reliability? Btw, it's just for self-fulfillment. Thank you!
started with accoustic nylon than electrics follow

adapt with the accoustic nylon neck and strings well untill your finger accustomed to the strings and neck contour ...

and then u could move to electric easier.. the neck is smaller and really comfortable
started with accoustic nylon than electrics follow

adapt with the accoustic nylon neck and strings well untill your finger accustomed to the strings and neck contour ...

and then u could move to electric easier.. the neck is smaller and really comfortable

haha same here bro! started out with acoustic nylon eventually felt the pain in my fingers. after 5 months, basic chords everything mastered went onto playing the electric. found electric easier cause finger was trained on the acoustic. so here i am shredding. its really up to you. but i prefer to train the fingers first. ;)