Should I change my pick up?


I just got my hands on a Yamaha Attitude bass, kinda like sheehan style except w slimmer neck and without the scallops. And I must say I like the feel of the bass alot.

Anyways it has the dimarzio model 1 pickup on the the neck and dimarzio split P in the middle. I find that both of them sound rather similar but the split P seems to have a better sustain and is great for tapping.

But I find that when playing finger style, both of them has the howling tone and not really punchy enough for my Im thinking about switching the neck pick up for something more crisp.

any advise?
hey!u got tt from the guys who posted in the ads?hehe...

i've tried an attitude at G77 1 was seafoam green with 'billy sheehan' stickers on the scallops too..n was also going 4 $500...i aslo think it's boomy...

izit active/passive?
I'm not so sure what you can do about the Model one, as I don't really know what other pickup options there are for that shape of pickup. The position of the pickup is also very far from the bridge, hence the boomier sound.

As for the P pickup, perhaps you might like to check Seymour Duncans out? I've never really come across a Dimarzio pickup that I like yet, but that's down to personal taste.

Any better opinions? I'm kinda bad at recommending P Bass Pickups
Can I offer some personal opinions?

I believe the boominess is due to the position of the pickups. I think when Billy Shehan designed his bass, he have two outputs, the model one goes to a big sub, the P to a normal one so that he can have better tone.

How abt puting in an active preamp? Perhaps that may change your electronics equation?

*The above post is my humble opinion. Experts or those more knowledgeable and can spell better then me please advice =)
i own a billy sheehan model,yup,its kinda boomy,but remember,billy sheehan use compressor and lotsa other equipments,perhaps try it with compressor,see whether there's any changes in the sound?
Prataz said:
Can I offer some personal opinions?

I believe the boominess is due to the position of the pickups. I think when Billy Shehan designed his bass, he have two outputs, the model one goes to a big sub, the P to a normal one so that he can have better tone.

How abt puting in an active preamp? Perhaps that may change your electronics equation?

*The above post is my humble opinion. Experts or those more knowledgeable and can spell better then me please advice =)

better dont,you need to spare a battery slot for active preamp,and it might not suit the pickups,if it turn out good,then congrats,but if it turns out suck,you cant just click the undo button my bro...
Truez =)

I do like the suggestion of compressors actually =)

Perhaps that's what he actually needs

(Then we will have a new thread on which compressor is the best)
With regards to the Attitude's tone, if yours isn't the stereo-output model, you will need a multi-band compressor to more evenly tailor out the low end boom of the Model-1 pickup. If not, you'll get a bit more control over your transients but that low end mud might still be there, especially if you're playing with 15" speakers.

I agree with what Prataz says; the Sheehan model is designed to deliver a growly Precision tone with additional subs. Listen to his tone, especially on some of the Mr. Big live clips, and you'll hear the growl of an overdriven and compressed Precision, but also a very dubby fundamental under it. That's the stereo outputs working.

If the Attitude is run in mono, I would suggest keeping the Precision pickup on all the time, and only turning the Model1 up as a 'bass boost'. Used by itself, you'd probably get a good dub or reggae tone. There's a reason why a lot of Gibson bass users call that neck humbucker a mudbucker. Hope this helps and you don't spend too much unnecessary money. Compressor-addiction can be expensive to feed :P
one more thing about the bass...eventhough i manage to get rid of the boomyness,the notes that i play doesnt stand out,you get what i mean,the sound kinda muddy/blurry...have been trying to get the right sound for quite some time and finally i decide to let it rest in the hardcase -_-
hey, today i messed with the equalizations abit and damn it worked! my bass sounds so punchy after i turned the low and high mids to max

because the previous owner told me that the bass in itself already hav lots of mids, so I always turn the mids to the lower. but i thought to myself heck why not try it out. and bam, its now a growly beast that sounds pretty clear
hey, today i messed with the equalizations abit and damn it worked! my bass sounds so punchy after i turned the low and high mids to max

because the previous owner told me that the bass in itself already hav lots of mids, so I always turn the mids to the lower. but i thought to myself heck why not try it out. and bam, its now a growly beast that sounds pretty clear
hey u can try fender p bass bass pickups the tone is quite fat lar and also can try modulus pickups but nid 2 go usa n buy or custom order erm fyi modulus is the brand that the rhcp bassist use, his bass is freakin solid lar hm if u gt cash n e right contacts u can get 1 of those lar
CoNtAgIoUs said:
hey u can try fender p bass bass pickups the tone is quite fat lar and also can try modulus pickups but nid 2 go usa n buy or custom order erm fyi modulus is the brand that the rhcp bassist use, his bass is freakin solid lar hm if u gt cash n e right contacts u can get 1 of those lar

erm...dude,tone comes from your finger...just to make it clear,cheers
and btw,flea uses custom SD pickups on his funk bass[the one with france flag and lotsa stickers] and SD pickups also listed as a standard options in his modulus sig bass,i dont think modulus do produce pickups...

flea has lane poor pups on all his modulus flea bass.

don't even bother to look for one, cos the poor company folded up a while back. very rare and very expensive. if u find one at a bargain price, be sure to grab it.

but now flea uses a 61 fender jazz bass with stack knob controls and flatwound strings on stadium arcadium. its looks white but its actually shell pink in colour, and probably the only one in existence.

i predict fender would come up with a custom shop replica.
i thought he uses the fender on the californication song?right?

rottenramone: sorry its OT,but just wondering bout stingray neck,is it bulkier than p bass neck?