Short scale bass


New member
Hi everyone

I plan to get a short scale bass as a long scale one is way too much for me to handle,been playing guitar for 10 yrs. I played a short scale viola bass n I just love playing it cos it felt right to me..haha :)

But I understand not most bass players here play short scale ones. Are the short scale bass strings here easy to buy, since long scale bass strings are common? Any good short scale basses to recommend besides the viola bass? I think I saw an Epi EB-0 at Swee Lee too.

Appreciate ur inputs..: )

Yo Faizal!

the strings you can just cut lah, no biggie, I used to do that for this short scale bass i used to own.

I think the kind of short scale basses you want depend on your budget.

Hohner had a very good headless bass which is about 30' scale. I had it for a while, works really well...

Another high end good variation is a Kubicki, which is abouit 32' scale .... ( probably more medium scale than anything). The viola bass is cool lah, but depends on what youlooking for again.

Go look around bro. Not many around but got cool ones.
hello faizal, see you got a bass itch...

i've been a fan of the short scale bass ever since i tried my dad's Fender Mustang. we swapped basses (he got my Music Man SUB) so the Mustang is mine...


no issues with strings, just use the regular offerings.

the other short scaled bass i used to own: Ibanez's GAXB:

yo faizal.

i would recommend fender mustang bass. or try both the EB-0 and mustang, and hear and feel which one u would prefer.

i have a short-scale bass myself, the EB-2, and it is like playing a toy bass. LOL! but for collection la... thats why i bought it. :)

have fun searching for ur new toy!
the short-scale basses become repulsive partly due to the fact that it's deemed 'different'/ toy-like when it's indeed a superb player albeit the different feel.
i've always wanted to try out a short scale bass... :cry:

but my friends kept saing i look like an old man holding a toy guitar sia...