Shine/Gloss on fretboard


New member
Hi, how to get glossiness on my rosewood fretboard? will applying layers and layers of conditioner make it look glossy? If yes, approx. how many layers? 10? 100? If no, how?

I'm assuming you're mixing up gloss with a nice, natural and vibrant lustre of the wood.
Gloss would normally mean the shiny, lacquered surfaces, such as on the body of some guitars.

Sometimes the fingerboard gets very dry, and looks old and 'haggard'.

Some lemon oil, or some fretboard conditioner will do the trick.
the only case of a gloss rosewood fretboard I can think of is bass wizrd jaco pastorius ... not normal laquer but I believe he used industrial strength epoxy / resin stuff (the stuff for boat decks) for his fretless bass

try it ..