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Was talking to a friend on MSN then the subject of Tori Amos came about.

Then I have the urge to listen to her songs again. "Spark", "1'000 Oceans", "Sorta Fairytale", "Winter", "China" and others... remembered them being in my constant playlist.

Tori Amos fans, share your thoughts :mrgreen:
one of the most affecting, mesmerizing and memorable live shows i've ever seen - saw her at the end of her choirgirl hotel tour in london, completely unexpectedly while still jetlagged. snagged my ticket from a punter at just 10 pounds over face value, he must have been pretty keen to sell it as the support act had just finished when i got to the venue. turned out to be front row seats of the royal albert hall. the setlist was awesome, the backing band was top notch. the encore was a piano-and-vocals only version of baker baker (for an audience member who requested it before the show) and winter (for her dad, who was in the audience). sublime.

american doll posse was certainly a step up from the beekeeper which was pretty abysmal.

based on the last live videos of her i saw (HD Soundstage filmed in Chicago in '05), she's ditched her guitar player and is now using a bass player who does all the effects and cops quite a few of the significant guitar parts on bass. interesting but i still miss the previous guitar player - he was pretty awesome with his effects and soundscapes and it went really well with her music.
She was my first favorite female singer-songwriter, quite simply an amazing lyricist with such a passionate delivery. Top-notch composer too, I could listen to her first couple albums for weeks on end. I haven't listen to some Tori Amos for quite a bit though, thanks for making this thread. I hope to be able to catch her live someday too.

she looks lovely in that photo - must have been a really early one. she actually stopped over in Singapore in the very early 90s as part of her promo tour for Little Earthquakes. Not sure whether she played at all. I didn't realise it till i saw the poster from the photo shoot a couple months later in BigO magazine. Dang, I'd have loved to have met her. But i had that poster on my wall for ages.
It's a different look, you know what they say about beauty being like fine wine - she's a great example of that.

Aww you gotta love the hair. And the stuffed wombat.

When i was at that tori gig i was right in her line of sight. i was sending "Please marry me" psychic messages the whole time. but she just smiled and looked so sadly beautiful, alas :)
Danelectrico = Front row too, god I hate you lol

I'm still holding boys for pele a favourite. It had a flow that doesn't sound like an album and more like a personal journey through a warped world to me, really precious album that..
OMG, Boys for Pele is my all time fave too!

I haven't been listening to her a long long time; last album bought was Scarlet's Walk. After that I didn't keep up. My bad... :(

But there was a time I was obsessed with Tori. Seriously, I think she has a factor about her that simply endearing. No doubts about her beauty, and I don't feel like I'm being just another guy for saying that. She just have so much aura. I LOVE how she look in her 96' Unplugged performance on MTV.

And when she sings... she has a presence in her voice that made me feel that she's only 5 feet away from me.

I spent the whole day listening to Baker Baker, Cruel, and A Sorta Fairytale. I'm a born again fan. :mrgreen:
i dunno if you guys read Comic Book Tattoo. its a graphic novel based on all of Tori Amos' songs. its real thick but its a real real good read/browse pictures whilst listening to her songs.
I've got that, graphically it's awesome. Some of the stories and concepts work really well, some are just a big huh with a question mark.

But that's the beauty of her music - lots of room for artistic interpretation. good stuff.
The melodies that she can write are stunning. I'm more into her old stuff where the piano took the front stage rather than her more current louder style though. I wonder how she writes - how her words can mesh in with the melodies is amazing.

I've got her Welcome To Sunny Florida Concert DVD, and it's fantastic. Only with a drummer and bassist but it's a great match, really. I kind of prefer it over her guitarist 'era'. Haha!