Sg grind 06122008 odiocrib

yup mephisto is in the lineup, kinda brutal, use to be just 2 piece but now what i heard from shiv is that they have a full lineup now=) oh yup rot was wondering is this gig done by you or fiaz? just a curious question=)

main man fiaz with a collective of friends helping out. :)
Eat kuey chap bro, naomi watts told me it's pig intestines. I think it might help with your squeels, what say you hmm hmm hmm?

french. its always the time when im eating u mention this to me.. even when im AT HOME EATING! BLUERGHHH hahahaha
damn i did not realize this thread and open up a new one.. my bad :(

i am definately going there... someone wanted to get shot? dun worry i be around. i am a specialist and if thats not enuff i can arrange a bukake.
Change of name

Hi guys! This is Kenny from Asilent and with that, I would like to announce the change of name for the gig. It will henceforth be known as Grind Feast Singapore with final poster artwork to be up soon! Also, there will be special treats in store for some of you lucky Grind Meisters so check in for updates! You won't be disappointed! :)


Kenny || Soulless Cadaver || Asilent
Hi guys! This is Kenny from Asilent and with that, I would like to announce the change of name for the gig. It will henceforth be known as Grind Feast Singapore with final poster artwork to be up soon! Also, there will be special treats in store for some of you lucky Grind Meisters so check in for updates! You won't be disappointed! :)


Kenny || Soulless Cadaver || Asilent

kenny man is ze bez