Seymour Duncan JB humbucker (SH4) or JB Jr (SJBJ1)

Rockin Daddy

New member
Hi guys,

Can anyone tell me, is there any different between these two pick seymour duncan sh4 and the sjbj1?

I used to have a Squier strat affinity series with the sh4 on the bridge. It sounded pretty well and i like it. Recently i just bought a Squier Fat Strat California series. I thought of changing the humbucker to the sjbj1.

Will the sound be the same with the SH4?
Can it be split to be a single coil?

Looking foward to all your oppinions.

as long as you have 4 conductor wires, you can split them to single coil.

I don't really like the SD hums in single coil size. Doesn't have the same agression IMO. I prefer the humbuckers. however, might be quite biased here since I've not fitted the humbuckers into a squier strat (I don't like spending money on a pickguard change anyway). If I had a squier, I would put a pickup that would sound the same in any guitar regardless of wood.

I like putting rails in Squire Strats. I feel that they sound great in whatever body they are thrown in.... well, as long as it's for high gain stuff.

you'd be surprised. I always use the rail pickups by Sky as opposed to other brands like Dimarzio and Seymour Duncan. if you A/B - ed them, you'd hear the difference. Plus, they are way cheaper.

anyway, I love playing with gain so if you like clean stuff, ignore everything that I've just said.